
Dear Friends and Supporters of the American Hellenic Council,


As part of the American Hellenic Council family, I wanted to reach out to you personally regarding the current state of affairs that we are all facing. Your safety and well-being are of utmost concern to us all. We want our entire community to remain safe and healthy during this situation. Given the guidelines set by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, we had to make the very difficult decision of postponing our Annual Awards Dinner.


First of all, we would like to thank our sponsors, who have stood by the American Hellenic Council throughout the years, without whom we would not have the necessary resources to continue to do our important work.


We urge our members to follow the developments of the events taking place in Greece, Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean as we diligently communicate news updates through our social media channels and newsletter. Turkey cannot be allowed to continue to disregard international law and threaten our waters and borders.


Our mission is to promote stronger US-Greek relations, support the efforts of the Congressional Hellenic Caucus and the Congressional Hellenic Israeli Alliance, educate Congress on our issues and inform our membership of the situation facing both Greece & Cyprus today. As we approach the 46-year anniversary since the organization’s founding, we must stand strong, now more than ever.


We hope to announce a new date for the 2020 Annual Awards Dinner soon. We value your health and safety and will reschedule only when we are certain it is possible for large group gatherings again. Please watch for said new date and continue to follow our news and action updates.


In the meantime, please consider making a donation to the AHC at this critical time. Without the Awards Gala, we are asking you to consider a donation to keep the work of the Council going! Whatever you can afford is appreciated.


Thank you for your understanding and continued support! The urgency is real, and the time is critical.




Dr. James F. Dimitriou

Chairman & President

American Hellenic Council

American Hellenic

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