Greek Minister of Health Adonis Georggiadis with AHC Board Member Alexander Mizan after a meeting in Athens in October 2024

Greek Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis with AHC Board Member Alexander Mizan during a meeting in Athens in October 2024

On Friday October 25, Alexander Mizan, Board Member of the American Hellenic Council met with Greek Minister of Health and vice president of the New Democracy Party  Adonis Georgiadis and his close advisor Stamatis Poulis.

“We had a productive discussion with the Minister and his advisor” said AHC Board Member Alexander Mizan.

“We went beyond discussing strictly issues on the agenda of the Ministry, touching on issues such as geopolitics in the broader region, which is an issue of concern for the Greek-American community. The minister was very supportive of the cooperation between Greece, the United States and Israel in the eastern Mediterranean region. We also discussed how the Greek diaspora can work as a bridge between the government of the United States and Greece in fostering better relations between the two countries in the future. Another topic of discussion was the upcoming election and I was impressed by the in-depth knowledge of the Minister about the internal politics of the United States.”

The AHC in the past held fundraising efforts to donate medical equipment for a hospital in Greece that was in need. Mr. Georgiadis and the AHC pledged to work together to foster better relations in the future and keep the lines of communication open to build on the ties between the Greek-American community and the Greek government.

“In unity there is strength” said Mizan. “We have better results when we work together with the Greek government or at minimum we share views and coordinate action.”

Alex Mizan

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