AHC Board Member Konstantine Kabilafkas with Congressman Brad Sherman during the latter’s 70th Birthday Party

AHC members met with Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) in late October 2024 at an event that coincided with the Congressman’s 70th birthday and discussed a variety of issues ranging from Cyprus, relations between Greece with its neighbors, in particular Turkey, North Macedonia and Albania.

Congressman Sherman has been on the US House Foreign Affairs Committee for decades and has been a staunch supporter of human rights, international law and the NATO alliance in Congress. He is very familiar with the history of the area of the Eastern Mediterranean. In the late 1990s, he authored a Resolution on the Catastrophe of Smyrna, which was co-signed by then Congress Members, Carolyn Maloney and Michael Bilirakis.

In our discussions, Congressman Sherman pointed out that the US is now providing Greece with a “Qualitative Advantage,” over Turkey, in weapons with the upgraded F-16s, the F-35s and the Constellation Frigates in which program Greece will be a production participant. He expressed his concern for anti-Semitic language recently used by Recep Erdogan in public statements and his support for ejecting  Turkey and keeping her out of the F-35 program due to Turkey’s purchase of the S-300 missiles.

We discussed with him recent security developments around the Eastern Mediterranean, in particular Cyprus, Greece, Nagoro-Karabach, Libya and Syria and he asked us to keep him informed in the future.


Alex Mizan

Alex Mizan has blogged 80 posts