
Commemorating the 1955 Pogrom – The Istanbul Riots of September 6 – 7

On behalf of the Hellenic American Council, we are committed to supporting and participating in the Commemoration of the September 6-7 1955 Pogrom. This historical tragedy is most important and we must never forget.  We cannot be silent regarding the horrific events that were directly instigated by the Turkish State against the Greek Community of Istanbul. This attack was unprovoked and deliberate aiming at Greek owned businesses, homes, churches and even cemeteries. These were government instigated riots with hundreds of rioters were bused into the city with the purpose of eradicating the Greek Population that had lived there for over two and half thousand years!  Dozens were killed, more were beaten and raped as thousands of stores and homes were destroyed!

The monumental book, “The Mechanism of Catastrophe” was brilliantly written and extensively researched and chronicled by the late UCLA Professor Spero Vryonis. He believed that we must never forget these events and shares the stories of this tragedy along with some 1500 photos!  We are proud to say that Dr. Vryonis was founding member of original “The Save Cyprus Council” that was the predecessor of our “American Hellenic Council.’ As a tribute to Professor Vryonis we must be sure that his legacy continues and is supported!

From a personal standpoint our family suffered directly from the pogrom that saw our families’ homes, businesses and even graves and monuments destroyed. Let us not forget the memory of those that lost so much and gave their lives.

We encourage everyone to watch the informative short video below and continue our support for the commemorative efforts by the Consulate General of Greece.


Dr. James F. Dimitriou

President & Chairman

American Hellenic Council



American Hellenic

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